
Welcome to Greenhill Housing Association

GHHA is an innovative and growing housing association providing housing in London and the South East.

We specialise in providing affordable housing and high quality lifetime homes for older people. and in offering much needed affordable housing for others when opportunities arise.

We provide:

Extra care

Extra Care Housing is for customers that are independent but may need access to support. Extra Care housing is designed specifically for older people who may require some physical or mental support. It is not however a care home. With Extra Care the council commissions a care provider and all           tenants that live in Extra Care Housing will have a care package in place. Carers are on site 24/7

Over 55s Independent Living

We have seven schemes designed specifically as Independent Living for Over 55s. Tenants live independently, have access to communal facilities, and in most cases there is a Local Service Manager on site Monday to Friday 9-5 to ensure a safe building and tenants can get a little help when needed.

Homes for people with life limiting chronic conditions and physical disabilities

We have a small range of properties suitable for people with life limiting conditions and physical disabilities, we work closely with Councils to ensure that these properties are allocated to those in most need of these specialist homes.

Affordable homes for people in housing need, helping reduce homelessness.

Most of our general needs housing is concentrated in Harrow, however we also have properties in Buckinghamshire. Our general needs stock offers tenants the opportunity to be placed in permanent housing, and for those with defined special requirements, we work with the local council to ensure those homes are suitable for the tenants needs.

Rent to buy properties

We work in partnership with Rentplus to offer rent to buy properties, this scheme gives tenants an opportunity to rent for a period at below market levels before having the option to purchase their home at a discounted rate.

Our Offer to tenants: